1. Live in London
-Pernah juga terfikir nanti lepas belajar (or before entering the university I wanted to study there, but well...) nak kerja kat sana. Well, it was more to study there and work at a cafe (rasanya banyak tengok movie, but I really want [still ] to have my own bakery or\and cafe) as a part time job.
-Kenapa London? Kenapa kafe? well it's just because I've seen and heard about what a wonderful view and weather London have! Besides the fact that I was haunted by the dictation of British once back then in Malaya, I was somehow hesitate to love UK for that reason but I still cant help myself from unloving this country.

2. Decorate my own house
- with cheap decorations and DIYs. I don't mind having a small space, but comfy is a must.
- back then I wanted to be an anterior designer but I'm soooooo not creative and I realized that so I just let it be a dream.

you know what, I start writing this post at 11 am and now it's already 11 pm.
i'm so done with myself ugh
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